Young Researchers (YR)
Conference Grant
Application Period: 01/01/2025-01/09/2025

The applicant must be a member of the HELIOS COST Action and be under 40 years old.
Eligible applicants are all 42 COST Member Countries
For more details visit COST Annotated Rules-Annex I: Country and Organisations Table.
Applicants may present their own work independently to the work but the subject shall be relevant to the Haemoglobinopathies field. The applicant is required to give an oral or poster presentation at the conference and the applicant must be listed in the official event program.
The conference must take place in a conference not be organized or co-organized by a COST Action. Only high-level conferences fully organized by a third party are eligible.

Providing a contribution for travelling, accommodation and subsistence expenses, registration fee, printing of scientific poster and overall effort.
Up to EUR 2 500 per grant for face-to-face conferences
Up to EUR 500 per grant for online conferences
The amount granted is decided by the Action Core Group on the proposal of the evaluators and should reflect the duration and location of the Conference and the actual conference fee.

Application shall be submitted online in e-COST using dedicated forms available in grant application e-COST page.
In the grant application e-COST page, select “Apply for a grant” and at the “Young Researchers Conference Grant” tab press continue to start a new application.
Fill in the following information in e-COST:
Title of the presentation
Conference title, date (within the active Grant Period), and country
Budget requested
Attendance Type (face to face or online)
Upload the following documents in e-COST:
YR Conference Grant application form (template available for download on e-COST)
Copy of the abstract of the accepted oral presentation
Acceptance (or invitation) letter from the conference organisers
YR Conference grantees must properly acknowledge their COST financial support in their presentation slides.
The application will be evaluated by the HELIOS grant awarding coordinator and reviewed by the HELIOS CORE Group. Priority will be given to applicants with most relevant topics within the scope of HELIOS and the field of hemoglobinopathies

After the conference grantees must submit the following documents within 30 days in e-COST for claiming the YR Grant:
Report to the Action MC on the outcome of the presentation of the accepted contribution, in terms of grantee’s visibility, including the establishment of new contacts for future collaborations (report form available on e-COST)
The certificate of attendance
The programme of the conference or book of abstracts/proceedings indicating the oral presentation of the grantee
Copy of the given oral or poster presentation.
Grants are paid by the Grant Holder Institution after the completion of the activity and approval of all required report/documentation.
The number of Young Researchers Conference grants that will be funded will depend on funding availability.