HELIOS activities have started! A new survey is going to be launched by HELIOS Working Group 1 – Molecular Research and Diagnosis.
Working Group 1 focuses on the molecular biology aspect of haemoglobinopathies, including biobanking and diagnostics, aiming to harmonise, promote, and advance molecular research in the field of these diseases.
The online survey will collect high-level information about current methods and protocols implemented by laboratories for the screening and/or diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies.
The HELIOS work plan is divided into five Working Groups that coordinate existing and emerging haemoglobinopathy-related activities, ranging from clinical and molecular research to data analysis and bioinformatics, contributing to the continuous training and capacity building in this field.
Stay tuned to discover more about the advancements of this relevant task and many other activities to be implemented by HELIOS!